Yes, sugar scrub made with chocolate
Hear me out.
(You know it’s a good recipe when I start off like that. And by “good” I mean “just trust me on this”.)
When I had the idea to make a chocolate flavored sugar scrub, I ran it by my bestie and she was a skeptical at first.
That made me pause because we usually see eye to eye on most things. And we have very similar taste. (And we think we have good taste. Haha.) Was I way off on this?
I charged ahead anyway, because I had a gut feeling about this one. And I’m glad I did!
My other homemade sugar scrub recipes use a food processor.
I decided to do this with a bowl and spoon to show you that you don’t actually need a food processor for this.
I buy the organic sugar at Costco which has a coarser texture than the extra fine sugar in the pink bag at the grocery store. I like it better for scrubs because it feels more “scrubby” to me.
Mix some cocoa powder in there, too.
When I said I make scrubs out of stuff in my cupboard, I wasn’t lying.
After I put my coconut oil in there, I mixed it by hand. (Actually my 12-year-old assistant mixed it by hand this time. She’s a great hand model.)
A note about coconut oil: If you’re not using a food processor, you’ll want your coconut oil to be soft, but not melted. Like the consistency of shortening.
If your coconut oil is really hard, microwave it for a few seconds to loosen it up. You don’t want hard chunks of oil in there if you’re mixing it by hand.
If you want a looser texture, mix a little more coconut oil in there or a bit of melted coconut oil.
And that’s it! Just THREE ingredients.
Looks like brownie batter, doesn’t it?
(Spoiler) It tastes like it.
This scrub is edible, like the other sugar scrubs I have on my site (Seriously, have you tried my Homemade Brown Sugar and Coconut Oil Scrub? It’s sorta like cookie dough.)
Yes, I know where your mind is going…. edible chocolate scrub for Valentine’s Day. *bow chick-a bow bow*
That wasn’t my intention, I assure you, but if you’d like to take it that direction, who am I to stop you?
At the very least it’ll be a sweet, decadent little scrub that will leave your skin super smooth and smelling like a candy store.
There are worse things, right?
I found these darling little jars in the Target dollar spot (or whatever it’s called these days) when they put out the Valentine’s stuff. I’m such a sucker for that little section.
This chocolate scrub would be a great girlfriend gift! Or something to give your teenage daughters. Or the ones who are past the age where they’ll just hide it in their bedroom and eat the entire jar.
Honestly, I’m not sure I’m past that stage. Heh.
You can find the recipe below!

Chocolate Sugar Scrub for Valentine's Day
Yes, Chocolate Sugar Scrub. Maybe I went too far with this? Maybe it's brilliant? Whatever you decide, you can't deny that it's tasty. And it leaves your skin exfoliated and smelling.... sweet. :)
- 1 cup sugar (coarse, if possible)
- 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2/3 cup soft coconut oil (easily scoopable, but not melted)
- Mix together the sugar and cocoa in a medium sized bowl.
- Add the coconut oil and mix thoroughly with your hands until it's smooth and no lumps of coconut oil are visible.
- Transfer to a lidded glass jar for storage. Store at room temperature. Scrub should last several months.
Nat's Note: You can use a food processor to make this if you like!

Wednesday 4th of December 2024
This looks amazing! I'm wondering about adding some orange zest to it...
Natalie Perry
Thursday 12th of December 2024
I love that idea :)
Monday 21st of August 2023
hi! I wanted to know if it is fine to use coconut oil like liquid oil? i loved this recipe. def going to try it out
Natalie Perry
Tuesday 26th of September 2023
Wednesday 9th of March 2022
How many months will this be good for max? :) and I love rose scented things. How can I make a sugar scrub incorporating rose?
Natalie Perry
Wednesday 6th of April 2022
I have sugar scrub that's over a year old and is just fine. :) For rose scented scrub I'd recommend using my Brown Sugar Coconut Oil Scrub recipe and adding some dried rose petals or some rose essential oil.
Rebecca Coffin
Tuesday 21st of December 2021
making a variation of your recipe -- I added 1 tsp vitamin E, decreased the Cocoa (dark cocoa powder) to 2 tbsp and added 3 tbsp of ground dark coffee. I melted the CO in a double boiler, added all my ingredients and mixed well. Lastly I added 5 drops of doTERRA peppermint EO. I am calling it Double Dark Peppermint Mocha Hand Scrub. Just finished making it so I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see how it comes out.
Natalie Perry
Friday 21st of January 2022
I'm curious how this came out after melting the coconut oil... I love the idea of using ground coffee! I bet it smelled amazing.
Saturday 11th of December 2021
Could I use Shea butter instead of coconut oil? (My nana is Allergic to coconut and I just so happen to have ordered so Shea butter for myself haha).
Natalie Perry
Friday 21st of January 2022
Shea butter is thicker than coconut oil. It may work, but I haven't used that in this recipe, so I can't guarantee the outcome.
Stephanie Lynch
Friday 17th of December 2021
Maybe try a combination of Shea butter and jojoba oil. Start by adding oil a little at a time until you reach the right consistency. I'd also use the OP's trick of using a food processor since Shea butter is much thicker than coconut oil.